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Recyclingeg: misceg: ACME Carpeting & Flooringeg: SomeGroup Donation"Construction Waste Management PLAN1Recycled, Diverted, and Reused Materials - ACTUAL4Recycled, Diverted, and Reused Materials - ESTIMATED(From PLAN worksheet) Matl. StreamACTUAL Total Waste DivertedESTIMATED Total Waste Diverted Alternative Daily Cover!ESTIMATED Total Waste to Landfill ACTUAL Total Waste to Landfill'Landfill Materials Description - ACTUALTotal Stream Weight (lbs)(lbs) eg: pkg boxes!ESTIMATED Total Waste to Landfill *Landfill Materials Description - ESTIMATED$Total Construction Waste - ESTIMATED6Percentage of Waste Diverted From Landfill - ESTIMATED!Total Construction Waste - ACTUAL3Percentage of Waste Diverted From Landfill - ACTUALCONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT Project Name:Project Number: First Date Last DateWeightMonth # Month DateSolid Waste Conversion Factors CardboardGypsum Wallboard Mixed WasteRubbleWoodRemarksBurn Dump Debris/Ash800-1000 1500-1800 Dry LooseWet for Dust SuppressionWet mixed with soil/Construction Debris, Asphalt or Concrete: Loose'Construction Debris, Wood ; Uncompacted6Increase up to 100% if compacted using heavy equipmentEarth#Loose/Dry. Plus 30% when compacted. Excavated/Wet!Gravel or Crushed Stone Loose/DryIncrease 20% if wetHousehold Trash Liquid Waste!202 gal./cubic yard ~ 7 Lbs./Gal.#E.g. Antifreeze, Waste Oil, SolventMetals, Un-compactede.g. Appliances, Metal SidingSand, Loose/Dry-Increase 20% if damp and 30% if wet/compactedStone, Graded 8 max. Loose<e.g. Gabion Construction. Increase 10% consolidated in place Tire Burn Ash500-800Tires, Auto and PickupAverage 10 tires per cubic yard Tires, OTR See RemarksAverage 500 pounds per tire Tires, TruckAverage 4 tires per cubic yardVehicles, Auto and PickupUse 3000 Pounds/Vehicle3Wood Chips, Shredded/Dry Wood Chips/Bark w/30% SoilYard Waste (Vegetation) LooseApproximate Density (lbs/cy)Dhttp://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/SWFacilities/CDI/Tools/Calculations.htmh1995, 2015 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). All rights reserved. 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