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Selection Committee: David Braun, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Plant Group Michele Brooks, Operations Coordinator, Plant Sciences Heiddi Davis, Director, Campus Facilities - Planning Design & Construction James English, Director - Plant Sciences Marc Linit, Senior Associate Dean, College of Agriculture Forestry Natural Resources Robert Sharp, Director, Interdisciplinary Plant Group John Walker, Director, Biological Sciences Jude Wawrzyniak, Project Manager, Campus Facilities - Planning Design & Construction Firm Ranking by Committee: First: Cannon Design, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Second: Clark Enersen Partners, P.C., Kansas City, Missouri Third: BSA Life Structures, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Recommended Consultant: Cannon Design, Inc., St. Louis Cannon Design, Inc., is the recommended architect for this project. Cannon presented a well-balanced and experienced team. They included Rough Brothers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, as a greenhouse specialty sub-consultant on their team. The interview was engaging and provided an in-depth discussion which particularly connected with the academic members of the selection committee. The project manager demonstrated a keen understanding of facility planning related to growth chamber modules and ability to maximize utility infrastructure flexibility. The Sears White Campus Greenhouse, which MU Biological and Plant Sciences faculty and staff continue to hold in high esteem as a successful and timeless facility was designed by Cannon. Cannon also highlighted several relevant projects they have completed such as the Monsanto Growth Room Expansion and New Imaging Lab, the Regulatory Building and Growth Chambers, and Danforth-Wexford Research Labs all in St. Louis. Their interview included an Experience & Key Themes interactive thought board whereby the committee could select from eight (8) topics and members of the team would cite more in-depth information and examples about a given topic. This resonated with the academic members of the committee confirming this firm has the capability to design a relevant and flexible facility. Consultant Experience: Project Construction Cost Completion Date MU Sears White Campus Greenhouse $ 5,200,000 July 1999 Confidential Midwest Biotech Company, Research Consolidation Master Plan & Greenhouse, Chesterfield, MO $290,000,000 December 2012 Danforth Plant Science Center, Plant Growth Facility - Phase II, St. Louis * $ 1,747,000 December 2008 Iowa State University, Horticulture Greenhouse, Ames, IA * $ 3,258,800 June 2011 MU Life Sciences Incubator at Monsanto Place $ 8,700,000 November 2008 *Project completed by Rough Brothers Consultant Team: Architect: Cannon Design, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Greenhouse Consultant: Rough Brothers, Inc, Cincinnati, Ohio Interiors Assist: WA Architects, St. Louis, Missouri (MBE) M/P/FP Engineer: Cannon Design, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Electrical Engineer: Cannon Design, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Low Voltage Assist: Stahl & Ponder, St. Louis, Missouri (WBE) Structural Engineer: David Mason & Associates, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri (MBE) Civil Engineer: Civil Design, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri (WBE) Supplier Diversity (M/WBE): The project has a 10% Supplier Diversity business participation goal. The Cannon Design team provides a total participation of 12.75% as follows: 8.25% MBE ($113,750): WA Architects Interiors ($13,750) David Mason Associates Structural Engineering ($100,000) 4.50% WBE ($62,250): Civil Design, Inc. Civil Engineering ($48,500) Stahl & Ponder Low Voltage ($13,750) Fee Analysis: The fee percentage was determined using the 91㽶Ƶs Architectural and Engineering Basic Services Fee Estimating Guidelines. The project is a Type IV New Construction (more complex than average), and the maximum basic services calculated fee permitted is $1,312,000 based upon 6.4% of construction cost of $20,500,000. Additional services to the basic design fee include: Equipment Planning Services ($25,000); Planning and Accommodation of the Realignment of East Campus Drive ($18,000); Additional Energy Analysis and Alternative Considerations due to unique project type ($12,000); and Planning and Accommodation of Future Phases Configuration and Utility Provisions ($12,000). A total of $67,000 in additional services was added to the basic services fee amount to arrive at a total maximum fee of $1,379,000. Second Ranked Consultant: Clark Enersen Partners, P.C. Clark Enersen teamed with Greenhouse Engineering, Toronto Canada. Clark Enersen presented a number of similar yet smaller greenhouse projects completed for University of Nebraska and South Dakota State University that they had designed on their own. Greenhouse Engineering presented a much more in-depth and diverse greenhouse and growth chamber portfolio of work from around the country and beyond. The selection committee was impressed by the range of similar, and cutting-edge work examples presented by both firms but was disappointed to learn that these two firms had not completed a project together. Third Ranked Consultant: BSA Life Structures, Inc. While BSA was able to profile similar greenhouse project experience at Purdue University along with several confidential client projects in Oregon, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Puerto Rico, these were all completed by their Indianapolis office. The committee was concerned that the proposed project manager and balance of the St. Louis office, lacked plant science and greenhouse experience, and was more versed in health care and vivarium experience. Project Justification: The Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) is recognized as one of the top plant research and training programs in the nation. In May 2008, a Blue Ribbon Team of scientists concluded that, using any metric of success, the IPG is an exceptional program of research excellence ... that has succeeded in promoting excellence in research and teaching at MU. Plant Sciences has a fundamental role in the 91㽶Ƶs (MU) Strategic Plan, Mizzou 2020. While MU has many successes, the existing plant growth facilities are beyond capacity and many are inadequate to support modern, innovative research. This limits the research programs ability to expand and increases the potential to lose valued faculty and students. With improved facilities, expanded research avenues can be explored while enhancing external funding and faculty and student recruitment and retention. A study was completed in 2015 to further study the concept of a new East Campus Plant Growth Facility originally conceptualized in the 2006 Plant Growth Facilities Master Plan. Proposed Improvements: The East Campus Plant Growth Facilities Phase One project will be the first phase of a multiphase plant growth complex as identified in the 2015 study. This project will include a total of 62,050 gross square feet (GSF) of space including two new research greenhouses with 28 compartments and associated headhouse, and a controlled environment facility with up to 52 growth chambers with an ultimate capacity of 77 growth chambers. The new controlled environment facility will triple the growth chambers on campus and expand research potential with a wide-range of environmental characteristics including temperature, humidity, CO2, and extended growth heights. The new facility will be located near the intersection of Ashland Road and East Campus Drive. This area is allocated in the MU Master Plan as development area for one to two story buildings. Future phases can be incrementally constructed based on funding availability. Space Summary: PHASE 1FUTURE PHASESTOTALResearch Greenhouse89,200 asfRange A12,600 asf14 compartmentsRange B12,600 asf14 compartmentsRange C21,600 asf24 compartmentsRange D18,000 asf20 compartmentsRange E24,400 asf28 compartmentsHeadhouse3,600 asf*6,600 asf10,200 asfNon-Assignable3,800 gsf9,400 gsf13,200 gsfSubtotal32,600 gsf80,000 gsf112,600 gsf100 compartmentsControlled Growth7,458 asf0 asf7,458 asf77 growth chambersHeadhouse12,432 asf0 asf12,432 asfNon-Assignable9,560 gsf0 gsf9,560 gsfSubtotal29,450 gsf0 gsf29,450 gsf77 growth chambersTOTAL62,050 gsf80,000 gsf142,050 gsf* Alternate: As design progresses, evaluate option to expand Phase 1 headhouse for additional support and storage space. Project Schedule: Project Approval (BOC) October 2016 Project Design Information Item (BOC) February 2017 Design Complete June 2017 Construction Contract Award August 2017 Construction Complete March 2019 Occupancy June 2019 Project Delivery: The project will be delivered as a traditional design-bid-build project. Project Cost Summary: Construction Contract ($330/GSF)$20,500,000Primary Scope (2 GH, 1 HH, Environ Bldg) $318/GSF$19,750,000Storm sewer cost to Site550,000E. Campus Drive Realignment Phase 1 work200,000Construction Contingency (approx. 4.2%)854,600Other Construction Costs786,000 HVAC Testing & Balancing50,000Computerized Controls65,000Card Access 15,000Keys & Locks2,500Landscaping Staging Repairs75,000Telephone Plant (DoIT cabling, test & term)80,000Exterior Signs3,500Interior Signs3,000Material Testing (soil, concrete, structural)55,000Special Testing (exterior envelope)7,000Budget Protection (2.0% of $20,500,000)410,000Utility Locates Construction Services10,000Other10,000Consultant Fee 1,379,000Basic Services (6.4% of $20,500,000)1,312,000Additional Services (Equip Planning, Realignment E. Campus Dr., Addl Energy Analysis, Future Phase Accommodation Planning Provisions )67,000Other Consultant Costs132,800Code Consultant10,0003rd-Party Cost Consultant15,000Site Survey 35,000Geotech Report20,000Additional Site Visits budget15,000Other Design Costs (incl. LEED Certification fees)32,800Asbestos Testing (allowance for utilities testing)5,000Project Administration Costs706,644 Design & Construction Mgmt (3.0%)666,594Reproduction40,000Advertising50Other Project Costs 5,640,956Temporary Measures (Lot AV14, pedestrian access)50,000Start-up Costs20,000Furniture/Furnishings budget (growth chambers)2,000,000Parking Costs (250 x $3,000/ea)750,000Utility Infrastructure Charge (62,050 new GSF x $11.00) 682,550Chilled Water Capacity Allowance (659 tons x $3,228)2,127,250Other11,156TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ($483/GSF)$30,000,000 Funding Sources: Campus Reserves $30,000,000 Total $30,000,000 MU Project Manager: Jude Wawrzyniak     East Campus Plant Growth Facilities Complex Phase 1 Page | PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 EHIKLMSXZ  ) * + C D H I J _ ` | ǿxqjj h4Qh>$ hSTshGhSTshG>* hSTshp1r hSTsh7hi< hSTsh4FhSTsh=>* hSTsh>$h>$ hh>$hhSTshp1r>*hSTshs>*hSTshJ!>* hSTshs hSTsh"Fhr=Zh6jhFSh{7hJB*phh?hQhs3Q)ILMZ* + D I J ` C B  pgdM3]gdFS $ Pa$gd>$ $gdSTsgdSTs$a$gdHU PgdSTs Pgds$a$gdow  3 9 O y } ~   ' ( 2 3 C Q R Y Z hFShFSB*ph hSTshM3h{7hjWhM3hjWB*phhs3QB*ph hSTsh hSTsh >*h~lh>$6OJQJhOJQJhFSOJQJhs3QOJQJh>$OJQJhhs3QhAB[h>$hFS3   ! 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