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Records and Information Management User's Guide - How to Store Records at the Records Center

How to Store Records at the Records Center

Step 1. Pack Boxes

Transfer records, including folders (no hanging folders or binders), from file cabinets or shelving to boxes. Leave at least one inch of working space in each packed box. Create an index/inventory of what is in each box so you can complete the box labels (UM121) and the UM34 Transmittal form in Step 2.

Step 2. Label Each Box and Create a Content Sheet for Your Records

Complete a label (UM 121) for each box and attach a completed label to either end of each box, below the handle. You may want to create a content sheet for each box to assist you in recalling it in the future.

Step 3. Complete and Submit a Transmittal Form

Complete and submit a UM34 form (see: Fig. 1) electronically for all new boxes sent to the University Records Center for storage. One form can be used for up to 15 boxes. The UM34 form may be found at:


Refer to the following instructions and example to complete the form correctly:

After opening the form, save it on your local drive or an accessible network using your customer number as the name of the form.

1.After opening the form, save it on your local drive or desktop before completing and hitting the submit button.

2. Fill out the following static information areas (Campus/Hospital Radio Buttons (one of the eight circles at the top of the page), Department Name, Department Address, Customer Number, Contact Name, Contact Email Address, and Contact Phone)

When you are ready to send boxes, fill in the remaining areas outlined in red (Sequential Number, Description of Records, and Year of Record & Date Transferred). If you know the appropriate Authorization Code, you may enter that, as well. When you have listed up to 15 boxes, click the “Submit Form” button. Add any special information to the email that pops up & click “Send.” If you have more than 15 boxes to send, complete additional forms for all remaining boxes.

If you use an email product other than Microsoft Outlook the “Submit Form” button may not work. You will then have to attach the completed PDF and email it to recordstransmittal@umsystem.edu.

Reviewed 2019-08-05