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360.020 Summer Appointments and Consultation

Bd. Min. 9-20-74; Amended Bd. Min. 10-14-83, Amended Bd. Min. 1-26-06, Amended Bd. Min. 12-10-10.

  1. Summer Appointments for Nine-Month Appointees
    1. For faculty on nine-month appointments, compensation for summer appointments may not exceed one-third of nine-month salary.
  2. Consultation
    1. Consultation is a significant means of professional improvement and a form of community service. Time spent in consultation shall not interfere with regular duties. It is the policy of the University to permit consulting activities which:
      1. Are directly related to the professional interest and improvement of the faculty member.
      2. Are in the best interest of the University.
      3. Do not constitute a conflict of interest.
    2. Each division shall make an annual report to the Chancellor, vice president or other appropriate administrative officer indicating the aggregate time and compensation for each individual involved. Chancellor and vice presidents shall annually transmit these reports to the president.

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